The Cayman Islands - Advantages From the Best Offshore Jurisdiction

The Cayman Islands is the world's leading offshore jurisdiction.

Particularly renowned for the establishment of investment funds (both hedge funds and private equity funds), Cayman Islands entities are customarily used for transactions of all types including equity, debt and insurance capital markets transactions, in mergers and acquisitions and in joint ventures.

OFC operate the majority of its FinTech and Secondary Market Division without control restrictions or regulations in the Cayman Islands.

Funds can be freely transferred in and out of the Islands in unlimited amounts. The Cayman Islands dollar is tied to the US dollar and the latter is freely accepted and used within the local economy.

Cayman Islands Investment Funds

The Cayman Islands is the leading domicile for investment funds, attracting 80% of all new offshore fund formations. Cayman is estimated to house more than 75% of the world’s offshore hedge funds and nearly half of the industry’s estimated US$1.1 trillion of assets under management.

Advantages of Cayman Islands Investment Funds

Cayman Islands is at the forefront of the investment funds sector largely because of the structural and operational advantages it offers, including:

  • Political and economic stability
  • No exchange controls restrictions
  • Reputable professional service providers
  • Abundance of expertise in the investment fund space
  • Flexible legislation
  • Cayman regulators are very approachable, flexible, innovative and efficient
  • Cayman’s investment fund fee structure is globally competitive, which benefits the manager and the investor with respect to the launch and ongoing operation/ maintenance of the fund.
  • Cayman Islands has signed tax information exchange agreements (TIEA) with 19 countries
  • Tax neutrality

Cayman Islands: Your Offshore Investment Paradise

The Cayman Islands is one of the most popular tax havens and offshore banking centers and the world’s fourth most prominent international financial center, is home to many big banks, insurance companies, hedge funds and accounting firms. It has a global reputation and a renowned history of offshore company formation that goes back over fifty years.

The islands have complied with OECD financial regulations and have been cooperative with the international community with regards to money laundering.  

Cayman Islands has strong offshore banking laws that protect individuals’ privacy.

OFC Cayman & OFC Hong Kong

As the number of OFC’s high net worth individuals grows each year, more and more are becoming privy to the advantages found in offshore financial centers. Whether it is a way to safeguard their investments, to reduce their tax burden, or to plan for an uncertain future, more and more of OFC’s clients are coming from Asia-Pacific.

The Cayman Islands’ English common law system and tax neutral status serve as two of the country’s major draws, and the jurisdiction is currently believed to have the fifth largest financial services sector in the world. Its offshore banking services are particularly advanced, illustrated by the fact that the Cayman Islands, along with Switzerland, dominate the global market for offshore banking in terms of total deposits. 

As our jurisdiction grows, it is increasingly looking to diversify to Asian markets, and China in particular is becoming a more and more important. OFC having offices in both jurisdictions is quite advantageous.

Wealthy Chinese tend to be more comfortable with the idea of investing their money in large, well-known offshore jurisdictions. The Cayman Islands is a first-choice financial center for the setting up of offshore companies.

Hong Kong, which is governed as a special administrative region within China, some people have more confidence in it. Jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands have the benefit of a good reputation in China because there are many Chinese enterprises using them when listing abroad.”

OFC owes much of its reputation as a leading offshore financial consultancy – both here and in Hong Kong – to their legal systems, and the efficacy with which its laws are upheld. The legal system is based on English common law, and several central issues – including corporate power, directors’ fiduciary duties, limited liability and corporate benefit – are largely the same as with English common law. The Cayman Islands’ commercial legislation, however, is said to be far less cumbersome in areas that typically create difficulties and uncertainty.

OFC’s expertise in Secondary Market Transfer and Asset Clearing – notably Restricted and Control Assets are exempted cand have several distinguishing features. Special purpose trading does not require government authorization before they can be registered, transferred and traded and are not liable for any form of income tax or capital gains tax.

As the financial restrictions and bans on cryptocurrency continue – OFC has positioned itself to be well suited to the crypto evolvution. Hopefully bilateral cooperation between the two countries will increase in the future between the Cayman Islands and China.

For now, OFC Cayman will continue to operate The OFC Sky Fund and all Crpyto related services.